Friday, October 12, 2012

Rules of Being a Grown-up

In The Happiness Project, Rubin lists her rules of adulthood. I've been thinking a lot about these things, as I think they are very connected to our well-being. I also think they are things that we would tell our best friends, but often don't apply to ourselves. So, here we go, a list of rules of adulthood:

1. Think of the big picture.

2. No one is thinking about you as much as you think. A friend once told me, "Think of all you could do, if you didn't care what other people thought." That one always stuck with me.

3. Set yourself up for success- This is something I always tell my friends when they are trying to get over a guy. Put your phone in someone's purse when you go out. Erase his number. Avoid the places you might run into the guy. I also apply it to other things in life. If you want to get homework done, but know you're easily distracted, go to the library. If you want to save some money, but know you're bad at budgeting, set up a separate account. If you want to loose weight, but have a sweet tooth, don't sit in a barrel of reese's peanut butter cups.

4. When in doubt, run it out. Those endorphins are no joke.

5. Monkeys and falling down are two things that are always funny.

6. Wear sunscreen. And a hat. And walk with a parasol if you don't think it's too socially unacceptable.

7. Never say "This is going to be so much fun!" Here's the thing- when you anticipate that something is going to be awesome, it's probably not going to live up to your expectations. The awesome times come when you're not looking for them. They're the times where you're just hanging out with friends and end up rolling on the floor laughing or bursting into song and dance at a laundry mat or suddenly being invited to the birthday party of a prominent strip-club owner (it was a mixed crowd to be assured)

8. Never wear white while cooking with tomato sauce. You WILL spill.

9. Never say "I'll just go for one." Whether it's chocolate, potatoe chips, or beer, it's never going to be one.

10. God has three answers to your prayers "Yes", "Not right now", and "I've got something better planned." I know that sounds corny, and I'm not someone who believes heavily in fates. But I do believe that things work out the way they're supposed to work out. For better or worse.

What about you? Do you have rules of adulthoood?

Also, you may notice that my checklist has shortened. This is because I remove resolutions that are either not effective or actually increase my anxiety rather than decrease. And I'm the boss of this blog, so what I say goes, got it?

Clean it up :(
Let it go :(
Eat Right :)
Act energetic :)
Slow Down :(
Senses :/
No negative thoughts/actions :(

"I think you should be a child for as long as you can. I have been successful for 74 years being able to do that. Don't rush into adulthood, it isn't all that much fun."~Bob Newhart

Photo by

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Numbers two and three are so true. (Why does no one else seem to have the wisdom that we so obviously have?) Also, while number nine seems to also ring true, I'm confused as to why it made the checklist. I see absolutely no problem with an extra chocolate, beer or potato chip. And if we're running it out (point 2) AND mindful of the fact that no one cares that about the rubber band currently holding the waistband of your favorite sevens together (see, e.g. Point 4) what's the harm anyway?
