Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Remember, Remember the...wait, what day was it?

I've decided I kind of hate my book. I LOVE snacking while I attempt to write my book though. Maybe I should have picked a more interesting topic. I picked some experiences from my life, but as it turns out, my life is not all that interesting. It's ok, though. I am failing like a champ.

I am singing Broadway karaoke while I'm doing the dishes, I am knitting while I'm watching TV, and I am blogging while I am watching the voting results come in. I am running every morning, even though it is friggin freezing out there. Still no drawing though. Maybe I should I trace my hand and draw a turkey for good measure.

I have come to a decision, though. I am not some one who can go through life NOT loving their job. There are so many people who when I ask if they like their job they say, "Meh, it pays the bills" or "It's not my life, but it gives me the funds to live my life." I am so jealous of these people, and I am in no way kidding. I would love to be able to go to work at a job, make some money, leave work at work, and then continue on with my weekends and evenings and be totally happy with my hobbies. I truly think that I am not one of those people. I think I am a person who truly believes in what they are doing, who gives themselves fully to their work, and who doesn't need so much vacation time because she enjoys her job so much. Knowing this is one thing, getting this is another. Could someone tell me what color my parachute is or who moved my cheese or whatever?

Oh! Also I'm jumping on the "Thankful November" bandwagon, where you list something you are thankful for everyday in November. Of course, I am six days late, so I will have to catch up.

1. I am thankful the way the heater smell always reminds me of Christmas when you first turn it on in the winter. I am also glad that I have heat when it is friggin freezing outside.

2. I am thankful that I live in the Northeast where the leaves change color and you can wear fall clothes. Please remind me of this in February when I've decended into the typical northerner winter depression.

3. I am thankful for my good friends who make me laugh until cider comes out my nose, who remind me to be true to myself, who make me pumpkin desserts because they know I'm obsessed, and who call me on a long walk home after a rough day.

4. I am thankful for my sister, who will always let me stay with her, even if it's after a hurricane and it's last minute. Who understands my love of Sailor Moon, 10th Kingdom, Fairy Oddparents, and other things that remind you just how mature I am. She also makes me Pumpkin desserts.

5. I am thankful for pumpkin desserts.

6. I am thankful for my boyfriend, who knows how to handle me when I am sad or dramatic, who is almost always on the same page as I am about suburban dates to chain restaurants and movie theatres, and who knows way more about politics than I do.

Simplicity :/
Energy :(
Mindfulness :(
Making time :(
Not apologizing :)
Fun in Failure :/

"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by."~Douglass Adams

Picture by http://www.hyaenagallery.com/handturkeys2.html

I repeat, I did NOT draw that turkey. That is way better than what I would draw.

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