Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Alligator Spotting at 3 AM

Reader, I have a confession. I have grown bored. As I read Rubin's Happiness Project, I am finding myself less inspired. Because this is my own personal project, I called a meeting of me, myself, and I, where it was decreed that I could do whatever makes me happiest in my happiness project. Ergo, I am ending Simplicity month early in my eagerness to move on to another focus: Energy.

First let's review what we learned in our time focusing on Simplicity

1. No one is thinking about you as much as you think they are.
2. Follow your passion, no matter what people think.
3. Cleaning out your closet is incredibly satisfying.
4. Take your time while licking envelopes.
5. Tap dance is difficult.
6. Take time to talk to people.
7. Bring an extra pair of shoes.
8. Be glad.
9. Less choices, more decisions.
10. Watch more Boy Meets World.

One additional thing that I learned was emphasized in Gretchen Rubin's book. "Happiness does not always make you happy," she says. Sometimes, in concentrating on happiness throughout the day, you end up seeing all of the ways you fail to be happy. You become acutely aware of the purse-lipped looks of disapproval you give people, and the way you feel like drawing frowny-faces on forms that were incorrectly filled out and then slapping them on the person's desk like a school marm. Discouraging as this awareness can be, at least I am aware of it now. I notice when I am not compartmentalizing, or not being grateful, and isn't that the very root of change?

In the spirit of change, my next segment will be on Energy. I will not drop my goals from Simplicity, but add to them. I notice that I am significantly more awesome person when I have energy. I am more fun, wittier, and I get a whole bundle more done throughout the day. We all complain about energy. Somehow, when we join the workforce, our ability to pull all-nighters, take an exam, and then party on a boat until 5 am dwindles(I'm sorry, was that not your college experience?). How do we get our energy back when our lives are oh so busy and taxing? I plan to focus on three things this segment.

Eating better
Moving more
Acting energetic

I'll elaborate more tomorrow, but let's look at my ratings for today

Clean it up :(
Do it right :)
Let it go :)
Eating better :/
Moving More :)
Acting energetic :)

"What most persons consider as virtue, after the age of 40 is simply a loss of energy"~Voltaire

photo by http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs41/f/2009/048/6/5/Im_on_a_boat___Lonely_Island_by_bradjolly.jpg

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