Monday, September 17, 2012

Give them that first lady feeling

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Yesterday, I read an interview with Michelle Obama in Women's Health. Her interview was pretty standard, but what I contemplated was the picture they showed of her, smiling and waving to a sea of people with her crazy Madonna arms. Now, don't worry, I'm not getting political, but I thought to myself, "Look how friendly she looks. I bet her day is 500 times more stressful than mine, and yet you'll never see her walk around glaring at strangers, copping an attitude with the tech support woman on the phone, or rolling her eyes when someone asks her for a simple favor." Given, I understand that she is in the public eye, and has been trained to be on camera 24-7. Still, it seems that she deals with a lot of pressure, and still manages to be pleasant. I call that grace.

So, today's goal was grace. Thinking of our present and former first ladies, and other people who are often associated with grace (Katherine Hepburn, Jackie O, Kate Middleton) I put on my favorite pencil skirt, new black flats, and put a little extra oomph into my make-up for the day. I brought the left- overs from my birthday cake to give out at work, and felt like a sassy character from Mad Men as I began my walk to the office.

I made it a block before those new black ballet flats went all Black Swan on me. They dug into the back of my heel, not just giving me blisters, but literally taking off part of my foot. By the time I got to the park, my strut had turned into a pathetic limp. "Grace", I thought as a hobbled into the building, balancing the cake in one hand. As I began my morning reports, I placed the shoes in my desk drawer and shut it on the heel to try to stretch it out.

I wonder if Michelle Obama ever works barefoot.

Clean it up :/
Do it right :(
Let it go :)

"The one thing I do not want to be called is First Lady. It sounds like a saddle horse." Jackie Kennedy

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