Wednesday, October 31, 2012

There's no time! There's never any TIME!

Oh, time. You are the cheekiest little monkey. When we want more time, there's not enough time. When we want less time, there's too much time. When we want time to go slow, it goes fast. When we want time to go fast, too bad you are still in line at the DMV.

Our biggest excuse in life is that we don't have time. "I'd volunteer, but I don't have time. I'd join a club, but I'm so busy. I'd exercise, but I can't break my previous engagement with this cookie." My challenge this segment is to make time, which is going to be difficult because of my work schedule, my school schedule, and the fact that I am going to try to do the Novel in Month for Novemeber.

Novemeber is National Novel Writing month, and I am going to write one. See that? See all that resolve and self-confidence? Yeah, let's remember that come midnight on day 14. Writing is one of my passions, so this is the perfect challenge to make time, write unapologetically, and to "enjoy failure" as Gretchen Rubin would say.

You can do it too!

Simplicity :/
Energy :) (mostly from Halloween candy)
Mindfulness :)

Make Time :)
Don't apologize :)
Fun in Failure :/

"Much may be done in those little shreds and patches of time which every day produces, and which most men throw away." Charles Caleb Cotton

photo by,i:86

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