Friday, November 2, 2012

Failing is fun!

I've finished the first day of novel month, and so far I've written half of the words I was supposed to write on the first day and all 867 of them are complete crap. But that's ok, because I'm supposed to be enjoying failure this segment. I'm supposed to like singing badly, not care that my drawings are pathetic copies of other ilustrations, and to rejoice in the fact that I am writing the next terrible American novel that may be young adult, romance, or mystery and I haven't quite decided yet.

This is going to be tough.

Also, you will notice my blogs are shorter this segment. This is because I am writing my papers for school during my lunch break, writing my novel while dinner is cooking, and writing this blog while they are dragging me away to the mental institution.

I have followed my passions in baking pumpkin cookies, knitting a scarf, and I am going to see a play this weekend. And in December, I have big plans to get some sleep.

Simplicity :/
Energy :( from eating hurricane non-perishables
Mindfulness :)
Make time :)
Don't apologize :(
Fun in failure :(

“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.” Oprah Winfrey

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