Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Novel Pain

This is my happiness project right? So, I can do whatever I like right? So when I tell you that I am quitting National Novel Month, you're not going to hack into my profile, find my address, and egg my apartment, right?

Truthfully, I hate my book. Hate, hate, hate it. I am SO bored writing it that I can't imagine any young adult would make it past the first page. All writing a novel was doing was making me anxious, bored, and fat.

I mean, clearly, I love writing. Everyday, I look forward to typing up this silly little blog so that it will reach the extensive audience of my mom and one person in Germany. I also have come up with two new plays I am interested in writing, but I don't want to continue to write a book that I'm not inspired to write. Maybe someday I'll write a memoir book like David Sedaris or Tina Fey. I better start making up so fake names, because no way my friends want to be in that.

Speaking of memoir-ish books, I am currently reading Mindy Kaling's book "Is Everyone Hanging out Without Me?" I highly recommend it and am enjoying it even more that Tina Fey's "Bossypants". Shocking, I know. But Mindy has a concern in her book that I can relate to. Mindy is wicked smart, having gone to Dartmouth and excelled there. She describes her fear of going from "Dartmouth to Dirtbag" as she says. This is when instead of the underdog excelling and ruling the world after college, the over-educated, talented girl goes from the top of her class to being a permanent nanny. Hipsters now call this being under-employed. I struggle with this as well. School was the most important thing in my life for 17 years. In college, I became a big fish in a small pond. As a college senior, I was literally the annoying girl who they would bring prospective students to, as a shining example of potential stardom and theatrical success.

Now, do you need to revisit my page on all the side jobs I've held? I'll wait.

Welcome back. So, you see what I'm saying? Now, Rollins is no Dartmouth, but leaving it I had a plan, a prestigious apprenticeship, and an unfounded sense of self-confidence. So, what do I do now? I feel like I am going from Rollins to...Recalcitrant (that was the only word I could find in the thesaurus that started with R). Well, I am going to follow Mindy's path and see if that lands me a hit off-Broadway show and then I position as a TV writer for a popular sitcom.

I will allow all of you to say you knew me when.

Simplicity :)
Energy :)
Mindfulness :(
Find Time :)
Don't apologize :/
Fun in failure :)

"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great."-John D. Rockefeller

Original photo by

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