Thursday, November 15, 2012

More Quick Thank you's

Things I am thankful for:

14. My physicality: I was gonna say "my body," but that sounded like a line from a "What happens during puberty" book they hand out in the sixth grade, along with the iron chastity belts they distribute at those abstinence only schools. I'm thankful that I have two fully functioning legs that like to run and walk all over town. I am thankful that I like my figure. I'm thankful that I'm tall enough to be a Rockette, even if I will never be able to kick much higher than my waist. I am thankful I am healthy. I am thankful that my hair is manageable, even if I decide not to manage it and let it do whatever the hell it wants.

15. Ricotta Gnocchi with Truffle Oil: Yeah, I don't think I have to say anything else.

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