Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Your FOMO and You

By now, we've all heard of FOMO, right? Well, maybe not. I had to have a t-shirt explain to me what YOLO meant (If you're as out of touch with the kids as I am, it means "You Only Live Once"). So, FOMO is the "Fear of Missing Out." It's been used to describe the condition that young adults in the Facebook generation suffer from. Basically, we glamorize our lives on social networks, thereby making them look much better/more interesting than they are. We then see other peoples pictures and status updates and think that they are leading better lives than us. We are obsessed with checking our facebook pages to make sure we're not missing out on anything, even though all it does is make us feel like we're missing out on everything.

I read an article the other day that actually hit the nail on the head when it comes to how I've been feeling. Many people think FOMO is just a social issue; We have a fear of missing out on parties and events, and we're worried that everyone is hanging out without us. However, this article stated, and I agree, that FOMO encompasses our careers, or living situations, and our entire life. Twenty-somethings have a fear that they are living the wrong life. We have all the opportunities in the world, and that paralyzes us. We are afraid that there is a better job we could be doing, that there is a different city we should be living in, that we should be living a different life. The article talks about "decision fatigue", which I thought was brilliant, because what have I been saying about choices? For those of you who missed the quiz review, choices = BAD.

Growing up, I certainly didn't enjoy going to school. I'm not sure I knew any kids who did. But there wasn't a choice. That's just what you do as a kid. While I didn't like it, I didn't feel "wrong" for going. Now, plenty of people don't like their job, but for twenty somethings it's more than just not liking our work. It's that we don't feel right doing it. We feel like everyday is a step down a path that we are not supposed to be on. It's like when you're dreaming,and you're on a bus headed to the mall. But then you suddenly realize, you're supposed to be at work. You're pulling the cord and telling the bus driver to stop, but everyone ignores you and you can't get anyone to understand your panic that you are on the WRONG bus.

I wish I had the answer to this one, friends. I don't know why my particular age group suffers so acutely from FOMO. The article I read stated that it is not a problem to be fixed, but part of the modern twenties experience. It is what motivates us not to settle for less and to be ambitious at finding what we want. I would just like to feel like I'm on the right bus.

13. I am thankful for my Dad. Who talks calmly to me when I'm sobbing so hard I have the hiccups. Who is my guru when it comes to anything business, writing, running, or boat related. Who never gives up on me, even when I am being a total brat.

Simplicity :(
Energy :)
Mindfulness :/
Find Time :(
Don't Apologize :)
Fun in Failure :/

"And you may ask yourself
What is that beautiful house?
And you may ask yourself
Where does that highway go?
And you may ask yourself
Am I right?...Am I wrong?
And you may tell yourself
MY GOD!...WHAT HAVE I DONE?"~Talking Heads

Photo from http://mbadventure.com/2011/12/03/fomo-is-a-mofo/

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